Showing posts with label Sustainability. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sustainability. Show all posts

41st SFIC Gala Dinner and Launch of Furniture Sustainability Leaders

41st SFIC Gala Dinner and Launch of Furniture Sustainability Leaders 

SFIC is proud to launch the Sustainability Leaders Recognition (SLR) initiative. The SLR recognises companies that have embarked on the sustainability JOURNEY in a HOLISTIC manner, as an integral part of their business MISSION. These companies have shown early achievements and are continually striving to improve.  Through the SLR, the SFIC would like to applaud and motivate these companies, as well as encourage others to start and step-up efforts.

Welcome remarks by 
Mr Phua Boon Huat, President SFIC
(Sustainable rostum out of recycled cardboard)

Ms Sim Ann, Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Ministry of National Development, & SFIC Patron, gracing the celebratory dinner 

Futuristic LED Dancers!

We are one SFIC Family!

SFIC Executive Committee 

Recognizing our Sustainability Leaders!

Great to bump into so many friends tonight!

Thanks SFIC for giving us the opportunity to make a difference!

About EmceeRichardStyle
Richard Style has established himself as Emcee, Presenter & Show Host in Singapore and regionally through the past 17 years. Multilingual and conversant across many industry sectors, Richard has been successful in winning the trust and hearts of both his audience and events partners