Starting Out

If you work harder than others, it doesn't mean you will be better than others. But you would have achieved so much more than when you first started.

Practice hard everyday, even when no one is watching. Watch yourself transform and be amazed.

Over my last 17 years as an emcee, I have very often been asked about how I got started. Questions that I often hear about:

* How do you get started as an emcee?
* Where can I find emcee training courses?
* Do I have what it takes? (Some have even asked me if I think they could be an emcee)
* Is it rewarding?
* Will you be willing to share your secrets to success?

I thought I could share my entrepreneurial journey as an emcee. As it is difficult to classify emceeing into any traditional or online businesses, I will try my best to relate my story through the lens of a startup business owner.

My Entrepreneurial Journey As An Emcee
I started emceeing 15 years ago when I was an undergraduate at a local university. Back then, I had no idea who is an emcee or what an emcee does. I knew little about toastmasters clubs and attended a few sessions to learn and meet individuals passionate about improving their linguistic, public speaking and presentation skills.

One day after a unusual project presentation, a classmate whom I got to know in class came up to me and asked me if I wanted to be an emcee. The reason he came forward was because the lecturer required us to present our project through unconventional presentation methods of skit, song or dance and he enjoyed my presentation. Sensing that I had no idea about emceeing, he suggested I be a "roadie" (a helper at events) to find out more.

From arranging chairs and tables to setting up sound systems and helping around the stage area, I learnt everything about events. That was my first step into events. Nothing about emceeing yet. As time passed, I started noticing that the audience was responding to the emcee on stage and everything the emcee does just magically create a show experience for the audience. The laughter, the energy and the excitement were miraculously created!

From that moment on, each time I was roped in to be a "roadie", I would mentally start taking notes of what the emcee say or do and would go back home to write all these observations in my little notebook. (No iPad or smartphones in those days, neither was I able to afford one.) I would practice in front of the mirror and do mental practices in my head while traveling on trains or buses. The more I practice, the better I become. So this routine of observing professional emcees on stage, jotting down my observations in my notebook and practicing it over and over again became my favourite pastime. But still, I was not an emcee yet, neither did anyone knew my secret training.

One day, there was an annual dinner event and the organizing committee whom I happened to know, asked if I would like to help out as the emcee. As they had not set aside budget for the emcee, it will be on a pro bono basis. I said to myself, "since it is free, there shouldn't be any expectation of the emcee. I will give it a shot!"

That evening, the manager of the sound system rental company whom was observing me on stage for a long while, came up to me and said, "I haven't seen you in the emcee market. What is your name?" I shared with him that today was my maiden show. He said "You are very natural on stage and your energy and stage flair very impressive. Would you like to help host some of my events?"

I realized throughout the evening, not only was I not nervous, but I found myself to be enjoying my time on stage and executing the routines that I had mentally practiced over and over again. That was my first step out as an emcee in 2004.

My Greatest Lesson Learnt
Looking back, the greatest lesson I learnt in my entrepreneurial journey as an emcee, is to constantly practice your skills, talent or any service that you would like to offer as a business. Whether the practice comes from day-to-day running of the business or mentally practicing even before you have your first customer, always practice regularly so that when opportunity knocks on your door, seize it and do it well! While that may sound too philosophical, it did help me to be mentally ready to take on any challenge, regardless whether it is 100 or 1000 audience. (Believe it or not, the toughest challenge is entertaining and emceeing on stage with little audience!)

Over the course of my journey, I have hosted in various countries, co-hosted with local and overseas superstars, as well as hosted events attended by renowned dignitaries whom have made significant contributions to the society. This is my passion. I hope you will find and pursue your passion too.

Yours sincerely,
Richard Style

About EmceeRichardStyle 
Richard Style has established himself as Emcee, Presenter & Show Host in Singapore and regionally through the past 18 years. Multilingual and conversant across many industry sectors, Richard has been successful in winning the trust and hearts of both his audience and events partners