MY Community Day Out @ Bird Paradise

MY Community Day Out @ Bird Paradise

With over 2500 guests from Marsiling Yew Tee Grassroots Organizations!

Love the bird presentation!

They can sing, they can fly, they can wow the audience!

First big community event with all advisers since PM Wong swearing in ceremony in May!

Excited and ready to meet my guests!

Always love the sky amphitheatre

Have you been to the Bird Paradise?

The pink flamingos!

Basking in the sun!

Let's welcome our avian stars from the Bird Paradise!

Don't raise your hands, they might just get in the flight paths of the spectacular birds!


About EmceeRichardStyle
Richard Style has established himself as Emcee, Presenter & Show Host in Singapore and regionally through the past 18 years. Multilingual and conversant across many industry sectors, Richard has been successful in winning the trust and hearts of both his audience and events partners.

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