A Day To Remember Carnival 2024

A Day To Remember Carnival 2024
Venue: OCBC Arena

A Day To Remember!

SportCares was established in 2012 as the philanthropic arm of Sport Singapore to  enable vulnerable individuals and persons with disabilities to experience and reap the benefits of sport by instilling confidence and elevating one’s outlook to life. In addition, SportCares was to cultivate a spirit of sport philanthropy among corporates and community partners.

Mass dance with seniors!

My talented cohost!

I love the miniature bricks art!

Some more!

Boccia, have you played this before?

Ladder toss!

Our talented Sportcares Champions!

We are ready for an afternoon of fun!

About EmceeRichardStyle
Richard Style has established himself as Emcee, Presenter & Show Host in Singapore and regionally through the past 18 years. Multilingual and conversant across many industry sectors, Richard has been successful in winning the trust and hearts of both his audience and events partners.

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