Holiday Inn Annual Dinner and Dance 2014

Event: Holiday Inn Annual Dinner and Dance 2014 
Date: January 2014
Venue: Holiday Inn Atrium

The theme this evening was "Cosplay", a fun but and unique theme as compared to the usual Hawaiian, Shanghai, or Movies theme night. I would love to see more interesting and wacky themes for future thematic dinner events?

Being a big fan of Japanese anime and manga, where I grew up with Slam Dunk, Doraemon, Gundam, and Sailor Moon; its time to shed the old and embrace the new. Guess what? I decided to adopt the character from the current most popular anime and manga. Not Naruto, but it's Attack on Titans!

Tonight is a plethora everything you can ever imagine, with characters from fairy tales to horror, superheroes and all! Not only that, a line up of exciting fun items for the evening awaits each and every staff.

There was a department performance contest and 5 departments took part and dazzled the judges away with their creativity, energy and entertainment. We saw Despicable Me, Para Para Sakura, Rihanna mashup, and many more!

I had a great evening entertaining the audience with jokes and games and got everyone rocking the house down with a massive mass dance.

Ladies and gentlemen, presenting to you your host this evening... Richard Style!

My cosplay character - Attack on Titans!

Cosplay Night

Sales and Marketing Department Performance

Food and Beverage Department Performance

Dance game and Mass Dance by Emcee Richard

 Best Dressed Game Segment

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