Style! Emcee:
Here are some of the photos for the event!
The first session of the event was for the media...

Backdrop in chinese...

Welcoming the event with excitement and enthusiasm...
"We are giving away free business class tickets!"
Describing the Airbus A380...
"Did you know that the Airbus A380 is HUGE??"
Guest of Honour delivering his speech...

When the night falls, the ballroom was rearranged with cocktail reception...
Behind the screen is a marvel of display
The PPS Club members and their guests
Here we go round and round... Who's the first lucky winner?
Squinting my eyes. The name is in fine print...
As our lucky winner comes onto the stage...
"Ahh.. There you are. I can see you from afar!"
Me stealing glances at our pretty SIA stewardess
Finally, at the end of the event, had a chance to take photos with some of the organizers
This pretty lady and I are born in the same day, month and year! I think even same time!
Another member of the organizing committee...
How come most events organizers are ladies?
An Invitation - Touring the new Boeing 777-300ER
Look of success - Sitting on the throne of the first class seat
The new business class section...
Someone thought that I was the steward!