Event: Japan Home 18th Anniversary Gala Celebrations 日本之家18周年庆
Venue: Suntec Convention Centre
Japan Home (日本之家) is a widely popular and well known household products retail chain stores in Singapore. With over 62 stores on the island (the newest one at Compass One), we are excited tonight with our business partners, staff and guests to celebrate 18 successful years in business!
日本之家在新加坡是家庭用品连锁店的老字号, 遍布全岛。目前有60多家分店(最新开张坐落与Compass One)。今晚的晚宴有了各大伙伴和员工的出席,使我们的晚会蓬荜生辉。同时今晚我也非常荣幸与新传媒艺人鐘琴同台主持,也非常兴奋有机会在台上欢迎多位来自香港TVB的艺人演员,包括陈晋安, 马国明, 胡定欣。还有来自台湾的情歌天后李翊君和日本的和田裕美。
我, 鐘琴, 胡定欣
我, 鐘琴, 马国明
我, 鐘琴, 郭晋安
我, 鐘琴, 李翊君
(About the author) Emcee Richard Style has established his popularity as an emcee within Singapore's events and entertainment scene through the past 10 years. Armed with his flair in local and foreign languages, as well as his impressive ability to engage his audience, Emcee Richard Style has been successful in winning the trust and hearts of both his audience and clients.