Live Broadcast of Singapore's 4th Prime Minister Swearing-in Ceremony & Mayday Singalong

Live Broadcast of Singapore's 4th Prime Minister Swearing-in Ceremony & Mayday Singalong 
Venue: Yew Tee MRT

Congratulations Mr Lawrence Wong as Singapore's 4th Prime Minister! I am honoured and privileged to host this evening's homecoming welcome party as residents turned up in droves to welcome PM Wong back to his constituency.

Looking forward to a new Singapore story together!

Welcoming Prime Minister Lawrence Wong home to Marsiling-Yew Tee constituency!

Together with all grassroots advisors!
Many media partners waiting throughout the evening for PM Wong's arrival!

Live broadcast from Istana!

Over 2000 guests joined us tonight!

With our artistes and singers

And the hardworking team behind the scenes!

About EmceeRichardStyle
Richard Style has established himself as Emcee, Presenter & Show Host in Singapore and regionally through the past 18 years. Multilingual and conversant across many industry sectors, Richard has been successful in winning the trust and hearts of both his audience and events partners.

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