Galmon Celebrates Chinese New Year!

Event: Galmon Celebrates Chinese New Year!
Venue: Galmon Academy

Chinese New Year is round the corner and the management and staff of Galmon got together for a great evening of fun and celebration. It's the Year of the Monkey!

Looking at the puff on top of my head. Lol...

Happy and Prosperous New Year everyone!

Let's celebrate and give thanks to all our hard work in 2015 and look forward to a great year in 2016!

Thank you Galmon for the opportunities to be a part of the family over the past few years.

(About the author) Emcee Richard Style has established his popularity as an emcee within Singapore's events and entertainment scene through the past 10 years. Armed with his flair in local and foreign languages, as well as his impressive ability to engage his audience, Emcee Richard Style has been successful in winning the trust and hearts of both his audience and clients.

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