Ecowise Annual Dinner and Dance 2016

Event: Ecowise Annual Dinner and Dance 2016
Venue: HomeTeamNS Bukit Batok Clubhouse
Theme: Rainbow

Rainbows are a great symbol of success and remind us of the rewards after the storm...

Having a nice meal at Ah Huat Cafe before the event start. My name is Ah Chai...
.... So Ah Huat + Ah Chai = Huat Chai!!
(阿發 + 阿财 = 发财)

This is a super huge LED backdrop in a chinese restaurant!

(About the author) Emcee Richard Style has established his popularity as an emcee within Singapore's events and entertainment scene through the past 10 years. Armed with his flair in local and foreign languages, as well as his impressive ability to engage his audience, Emcee Richard Style has been successful in winning the trust and hearts of both his audience and clients.

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