Beijing Olympics Here I Come!

Style! Emcee:

One day I got a phone call...

"Hi Richard, you are going up to Beijing for the Olympics!"

I couldn't believe my ears when I heard that.

Now here I am in Beijing, typing this entry. I am excited about the Olympics, about the sports stars that I will have a chance to meet. Not too sure how it is going to be like, but I am sure that it will be a fantastic opportunity and experience!

I was there in Sydney when they had the Olympics in 2000. Everywhere was crowded and full of people all watching the Olympics at every television at every corner of the street. The streets were filled with people, shopping, but many were standing and sitting, just waiting for their countrymen to do them proud. You could feel the suspense and when the race was over, there were loud cheers of joy! The atmosphere was immense and awesome.

Right now in Beijing, the winter is reaching the end and weather's turning warm with occasional downpours and thunderstorm. Everywhere you can see posters, banners, billboards, signs and other forms of media talking about the Olympics. Everyone seem to be preparing for this grand moment to arrive. Hotels, airports, trains, taxis, buses, restaurants, bars, pubs and every other tourist related industry are all getting ready to rock and roll. Prices are also rising and more and more people are coming into Beijing.

There's a little statue, like a monument somewhere near where I am staying in Chaoyang district. This is the Olympic monument. It shows the number of days left to the Olympics, right to the very second!

I wonder how's things in Singapore? Is there a big Olympics fever brewing? I am sure our athletes are all preparing for the showdown. I wish them all the best!

I will periodically update my blog and post photos to share with everyone.

Olympics, here I come!!!

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