Neo Group Ltd 25th Anniversary Celebrations

Event: Neo Group Ltd 25th Anniversary Celebrations

Over 25 years of  brand and business building, Mr Neo Kah Kiat, founder, chairman and  CEO, has  built Neo Group into a household name in Singapore. From private parties, corporate events to festive celebrations, you will find their presence everywhere. It's a privilege to have the opportunity to be a part of the 25th anniversary celebration!

Oktoberfest theme!

I am in love with their mascot. Adorable!

Mr Neo, founder, chairman and CEO. Very impressive!

The Switch Gang - check them out at Timbre too!

Awesome staff talent competition

The crowd partying the night away!!

Emcee Richard Style has established his popularity as a comedian emcee within Singapore's events and entertainment scene through the past 10 years. Armed with his flair in local and foreign languages, as well as his impressive ability to engage his audience, Emcee Richard Style has been successful in winning the trust, hearts and laughter of both his audience and clients over the years!