Passion Arts Festival 2017 - Bedok Kaleidoscope

Event: Passion Arts Festival 2017 - Bedok Kaleidoscope 

About PAssionArts Festival 2017
  • PAssionArts Festival 2017, into its 6th edition, is the flagship programme under the People’s Association – PAssionArts
  • Promote arts to the community and increase arts participation in Singapore
  • Festival creates opportunities for Singaporeans to make new friends and enjoy arts together
  • Promote cross-cultural appreciation through multi-ethnic traditional arts elements woven throughout the entire Festival, as well as part of the ‘Festivals within Festival’ series
  • As a nation, to use arts to celebrate National Day

Welcoming everyone!

Plank art installation

Festival Theme
‘Arts of Wonder, One Nation’ – Use arts to epitomize the creativity and innovative spirit of Singaporeans.  Concurrently, bountiful ground-up art concepts at the different Festival Villages across Singapore to reflect the aspirations of Singaporeans and encapsulate the local characteristics of their community. Through the Festival, People’s Association hopes that the entire nation can use arts to celebrate National Day

Traditional Malay performance - Dikir Barat

Seniors Ukulele interest group

String Art - Unity in Diversity

A big thank you to the organising committee and volunteers for making this event a great success for the resident!

(About the author) Emcee Richard Style has established his popularity as an emcee within Singapore's events and Entertainment scene through the past 10 years. Armed with his flair in local and foreign languages, as well as his impressive ability to engage his audience, Emcee Richard Style has been successful in winning the trust and hearts of both his audience and clients.