Successful Partnership Breeds Successful Events

This is the 6th instalment of my "So You Want To Be A Professional Emcee in Singapore" guide. You may refer to the links below for all articles or click on 'Emcee Resource' tag on the lower right side of this blog.

In this article, I will be sharing what PARTNERSHIP is all about. People tend to think that the success of any event lies in the emcee. While it is possible for the emcee to make or break the event, we should never forget to give due credit to the unsung heroes - events organisers and planners, show producers, audio visual lighting team, deejays, photographers, videographers, stage hands, performers, venue providers, etc. While we as emcees are doing our routine on stage, these unsung heroes are working equally hard if not harder to make us look good up there.

1. Understand Your Events Stakeholders

It is very important to be familiar and acquainted with the various stakeholders and their roles at the event.

A. Show Producer / Events Manager

B. Audio Visual Lighting (AVL) team

C. Photographers / Videographers
D. Deejays
E. Stage hands
F. Venue staff
G. Performers

As an emcee, you may ask, shouldn't the show producer or events manager be undertaking this coordination arrangements? The simple answer is yes, but if you know their roles and responsibilities, you will not only have an easier time for you and also for everyone working together during the event itself. Everyone loves to work with great teams and great people. Get to know everyone and ask them how as an emcee you can help make their work better or easier.

2. Successful Partnership Breeds Successful Events

As the emcee for the evening, you may have to

- help the photographer with group photo taking by being his voice to arrange the audience

- help stage hands usher VIPs into their positions on the stage

- help the deejay to understand what music you want and when to play the music by visually or verbally communicating with them (don't expect them to read your mind!)

- help AVL crew to make sure audience can have a better time enjoying the event if lights are too dim or volume is too loud.

- help events manager or show producer to buy time for a last minute delay

- help organisers make announcements for some arrangements

- help performers get audience to participate or introduce them before their show

There's many more things we as emcees can offer up to make the event a great success apart from focusing on our role in stage.

So, the next time when you are the emcee for any event, always check in with the team and see how you can make the work experience a fantastic one for all stakeholders. Each event will have a different set of stakeholders, thus it will be great to know them and the next time you work with them, it will be a breeze and more enjoyable too!

If you would like me to discuss a specific area or topic about being an emcee in Singapore, feel free to drop me a comment on the Contact page or email me at

For all articles on emceeing, please refer to my link 'Emcee Resource' on the lower right side of my blog.
Stay tuned for my next post on Making Emceeing Your Career. Are You Ready?
Till then, have a great weekend!