MEWR Family Pioneer Generation Tribute Lunch

Event: Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources Family Pioneer Generation Tribute Lunch
Date: September 2014
Venue: Orchard Hotel Singapore

Guest of Honour
Dr Vivian Balakrishnan
Minister for the Environment and Water Resources

A tribute to our pioneer generation for the relentless pursuit in ensuring a clean Singapore and clean water for all. The theme of the event was "Celebrating Our Past, Inspiring Our Future".  

I was fortunate to be born in an era where I didn't encounter polluted rivers, lack of freshing drinking waters or dumps everywhere. To the audience, because of your efforts, I am grateful and thankful for all that I have.

Wishing our pioneer generation good health and happiness always!

Pioneers of our Environment

Celebrating our past, inspiring our future

Dr Vivian addressing the audience

It's showtime!

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