ICA Woodlands Command Night - Festival of Colours

Event: ICA Woodlands Command Night
Theme: Festival of Colours
Date: 18th Jan 2008
Venue: ICA Woodlands Command
Pax: ~300

Style! Emcee:

If you think these tough guys taking care of Singapore's busiest land checkpoint have dead serious personalities... Well, we saw the jovial, merry making side of them!

The sumptuous food and drinks were the fanfare overture opening of the event. All the guests had a delightful surprise when style! emcee announced "Dinner will now commence" right at the start of the event. In all events, there would generally be the opening speech and other formal segment, but this was the unique way of starting the event! As the saying goes, "Before all else happen, always put food in the tummy".

Roaring in the crowd was the famous and whimsical "Mustafa from Bombay, India", a character played by Rahim whom have been performing for more than 10 years. He delighted the crowd with songs and dances woven in while relating his life as Mustafa. Everyone loosened up and started clapping, cheering and crackling as Rahim unleashed his ammunition of jokes.

Next performance was by Nick the Magician. The beauty of performing magic tricks is the audience's interaction. Nick stunned the crowd with the Hand Chopper and invited a member of the audience to participate. The participant was looking terrified that his hand would be severed for real!

"In Singapore, there are only 3 magicians who can do the Hand Chopper successfully. I am trying to be the fourth one."

"Don't worry sir, if you lose your hand, you can always go to the 2nd-hand shop."

Finally it's time for the emcee to be in action! The emcee started his fun games segment with some acting and mimicking of famous movie stars. The guests whom participated left the rest ofthe audience laughing on their stomach when they try their hands at acting. It's hilarious!

With the mood heightened up and everyone's enjoying themselves, style! emcee delivered his next game, a combination of singing, dancing and table games. Surprisingly, the one who was most gamed for action, receiving the loudest encore and applause, was the oldest participant! He almost took the house down when he got into actions, dancing and singing like Ricky Martin! Impressive!

The finale of the event was a three cheers shout-out led by the emcee. Everyone united their spirit and commaderie as one big family, giving their best shout out.

Hip hip... Hurray!

**If you are one of the attendees, please leave a comment about the event. Thank you.**

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